New Zealand Hotels

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Reach more travelers with Goyoda #hashtags
If you're the owner or marketing representative for a hotel or guest house in New Zealand, now you can reach millions of mobile users searching for accommodation in defined target areas FREE See Live Examples  Simply click below, join the group, then broadcast your promotions immediately. Provide a short property description and include the group name #hashtag in the body of your message as listed below without any spaces eg #AucklandHotels This makes it easy for users and to find exactly what they're looking for and puts your message in the right place
If you're looking for accommodation in New Zealand, join one of the locations listed to receive live updates the minute a property becomes available. Click on a location below and follow the simple instructions
Auckland Hotels Lower Hutt Hotels Porirua Hotels
Christchurch Hotels Napier Hotels Rotorua Hotels
Dunedin Hotels Nelson Hotels Tauranga Hotels
Hamilton Hotels North Shore Hotels Wellington Hotels
Hastings Hotels Palmerston Hotels New Zealand Hotels

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reach more guests with GoYoda
Millions of people globally are using Twitter to market services, so why aren't you? 
Join GoYoda now. This is how your hotel promotions will appear as mobile Tweet results:

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